Wednesday 9 July 2008

Review Of 'Never Again' & 'Awaken The Dreamers' from the forth-coming 'All Shall Perish' album

'Never Again' is a a consists of a complex set of technical riffs, piercing vocals and a concurrent breakdown. The song is broken up by slightly sub-dued sections i which only the vocals and guitars can be heard. This is not anything new, and is distinctly reminiscent of some Eternal Lord songs off the new album. The title track - 'Awaken the Dreamers' is slightly more of a head-banger than the previous one. Some extremely clever guitar work stand out, and All Shall Perish even manage to chuck in some supporting vocals in the background, which remind me slightly of As I Lay Dying's new album. The new tracks are distinctly quieter and less 'brutal'. And despite All Shall Perish heading in a new direction the drums are still as integral to the songs as before, the instruments are somewhat less predictable and feel fresher. This album doesn't sound like it will alienate any long-time fans or listeners, but it more subdued than their previous offerings. I can't wait until the album is released as I've been deeply impressed by what I've heard so far. It even makes me want to spin the previous album 'The Price Of Existence' in my iPod, sweet.

Pascal x

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