Tuesday, 17 June 2008

The One In Which iPod Earphones Suck

I listen to a lot of music on my iPod, like all the time - so what's the worst thing that can happen? No scratch that, what's the most annoying thing that can happen? My original iPod earphones failing that's what. Granted that I've had them for more than six months, and they've probably lasted longer than their built to last right? That still doesn't exuse the poor built quality, I've got full volume in my left earphone but hardly anything coming from my right earphone. If the entire set had failed altogether than I might be less annoyed. Right now it's the only functioning pair of earphones I have so blah. Hopefully my next purchase will last longer, and provide better sound quality - although the original earphones are not terrible, I did notice that a lot of sound escapes into the surrounding atmosphere - prompting me to have the volume on at an unhealthy level. But i can't complain about everything, I still love my iPod, with it's sleek controls and near infinite capacity.

Pascal x

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